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Vecchio 11-11-2005, 17:28   #5
Mukkista in erba
L'avatar di Riccardo
Registrato dal: 27 Oct 2005
ubicazione: Mariano Comense

Originariamente inviata da aspes
dunque, se avete pazienza leggete sotto, estratto dalla cartella stampa trovata mi pare qui su qde:poi vi elenco le mie perplessita'

New engine management now featuring two oxygen sensors, modified dual ignition and knock control.
The new R 1200 GS further improves the leading position BMW Motorrad has had for years in the area of electronic engine management. The Digital Motor Electronics code-named BMS-K (BMW Engine Management System) is an in-house development tailored specifically to the requirements of a motorcycle. Fully sequential fuel injection, integrated knock control, faster processing of complex sensor signals by means of the most advanced microelectronics, compact layout and low weight are the most important features worth mentioning in this context.
The principle of indirect air volume monitoring and control by means of the throttle butterfly angle and engine speed (alpha-n control) carried over from BMW’s existing motorcycles has been further enhanced on the R 1200 GS, creating a concept referred to as torque-based engine management.
The basic parameters determining the optimum engine operation point remain engine speed and the throttle butterfly angle monitored by a separate potentiometer on each cylinder. Applying additional engine and ambient parameters (such as engine temperature, air temperature, and air pressure), engine management, together with control maps and correction functions contained within the system, tailors the injection volume and ignition timing exactly to the engine’s and rider’s current requirements. Taking so many factors into account, the system is able to control torque with supreme accuracy, adjusting engine running conditions perfectly to all relevant parameters.
Fuel is injected into the intake duct exactly as required and exactly on time for the intake cycle of the respective cylinder (fully sequential fuel injection). With one oxygen sensor being allocated to each cylinder, fuel/air composition is controlled individually in each cylinder according to current requirements. Both oxygen sensors are arranged close to the engine in the respective exhaust manifold, thus ensuring individual and even more precise emission management. Whenever necessary, the fuel/air mixture may be adjusted much faster than before, naturally with individual control and adjustment of each cylinder.
The positive results of this process are exemplary emission management, greater fuel economy, improved riding conditions, and an even finer response to the rider’s commands. Or, to put it in a nutshell, even greater environmental compatibility together with enhanced sheer riding pleasure.

Innanzitutto non ci sono 2 potenziometri farfalla ma uno solo. dall'altro lato c'e' un tappo (la mia e' settembre 2005)
secondo, se qualcuno ha la brochure pubblicitaria dei concesisonari, nel paginone col motore vede dentro i collettori di aspirazione.Cosa sono quei due "bacchetti"? evidentemente sensori, ma di cosa? in altre parole, si cerca di capire se il sistema ha una qualche autoadattativita' qualora si cambi lo scarico o si renda piu' permeabile l'aspirazione, dato che in molti parlano di riusltati ottimi pur senza toccare l'elettronica. COmunque non mi pare esista misurazione diretta portata aria con debimetro che sarebbe stata la vera soluzione.......spacciano per stramoderna una iniezione alfa/n che ha ormai la barba bianca....
Ho a casa un numero di SuperMototecnica con la monografia del 1200, ma forse l'hai già, nel caso ti interessasse fammi sapere...
di nuovo R 1200GS
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