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Video Enter

A video in the video directory is actually quite simple. Choose this in the sidebar category and click on it. Then over / under of the video list button to add new videos. (Video hinzufügen) After clicking on this button you go to a page to enter a video. There you have 2 options:

  1. Enter the Title and Description of the video manually
  2. Enter the Title and Description of the video automatically

For 1.).
If the information isn't added automatically, the you must enter the info in yourself. The info is required to post the video.

For 2.).
To add the info automaticly, simply enter the url in the input box and click the button next to the box. If the info is not added then please refer to number 1.

Video comment

Of course there is also the possibility to comment on a video Available.

Simply click on the video that you want to comment, and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you find the box "comment on this video." Write in this, your comment and then click on "Save comment" - Ready!

Look Out!: You should wait till after the video is over to comment or the video will restart.

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