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Vecchio 30-06-2014, 12:54   #1
Mukkista logorroico!
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Registrato dal: 11 Aug 2002
ubicazione: Monca l'ieri
predefinito Navigator V – cambio colori di default (mappe scure e rotta non visibile)

In molti si sono lamentati dei colori eccessivamente scuri che renderebbero difficile la visibilità della rotta usando l’opzione 3D terrain.
Ovviamente non è farina del mio sacco ma navigando in giro ho trovato – forse, bisogna provare – la possibilità di modificare i colori.

Riporto di seguito il copia/incolla:

I was getting annoyed with the preset colors on the BMW Navigator V. Especially the active route is quite dark and not always visible enough. So after some research on the web, I found a way to tweak the colors the way I like them (should work for Nav IV in the same way - didn't test it though).
There are several articles on the web, but most modify whole layers - I only wanted to change the active route.
If somebody wants to do the same, here's an easy step-by-step instruction.

1) connect your Garmin device to your PC, open Explorer, and locate the folder "Themes\Map"

2) Select the theme you like most (e.g. Navigon.kmtf), and MAKE A BACKUP TO YOUR PC (in case anything goes wrong). The ending of the themes files is always "*.kmtf".

3) On your PC, copy the file again and give it a new name (e.g. "my_theme.kmtf")

4) Open the file with a text editor, e.g. notepad

5) First, change the name in the first few lines, so you'll find it easier on your device later:

<DESCRIPTION>Theme for your_name</DESCRIPTION>

6) Now search for the following paragraph:

<STYLE field = "MAP_RTE_ACTV_LEG_CLR" scale = "0.60" border = "1.00" >
<PRIMARY day = "#F046F0" night = "#F046F0" />
<SECONDARY day = "#C800C8" night = "#C800C8" />

Replace the red hex codes with your preferred colors. In my case, I used FF0000 (=red) for day and FF6347 for night (=orange).
You'll find a list with colors and associated hex codes on this page: Farbtabelle - Farbtafel - Farbcodes

7) When you're done, save the file and copy it back to the Garmin device in the \Themes\Map folder. After restarting the device and selecting the "Themes" option, you should see the name of your theme. Select it, and the route will be shown in bright red (or any other color you selected).

In the same way, you can change all other color settings, including parcs, water and forest areas, hills, railways, unpaved roads, etc. etc.
I recommend to start with 1-2 changes, and then progress when you're happy with the result.
And don't forget: always make a backup copy first!

Hope this is helpful for some.

Qui la fonte originale:
Con uno stile di moto così, come vedi qua, c'è uno stile di fisico del genere può accompagnare solo
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